Bieber gives up bed

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



sb10063680j-001We all have a few celebs we wouldn’t mind snuggling up under the covers with, but for some enthusiasts day-dreaming about the possibility simply isn’t enough. Two fans of Canadian heart throb Justin Bieber are reported to have sneaked into his hotel in Liverpool and were discovered as they tried to climb into his bed. The pair, aged 16 and 18, disguised themselves as hotel cleaners in order to gain access to his suite and make their dash for the mattress. They are also said to have spent time photographing Bieber’s personal possessions. Following the incident the baby faced popstar is said to have sacrificed the comfort of his hotel bed by checking out of his hotel room and sleeping on his tour bus instead. A hotel spokeswoman said: “There was a strong police presence outside not letting in members of the public, plus we employed an extra 20 security personnel.”