Expectant mothers have to take a wide range of health issues into consideration, and trying to get a good night's sleep through the discomfort of pregnancy can be a challenge. However, there may be a way to help women peacefully drift off to sleep each night in their upholstered beds: light exercise.
Louise Whyte, founder of Penelope Fitstar and a personal trainer specialising in pregnancy and post-natal exercise, has claimed that gentle exercise can help mummies-to-bed to wide down and relax. She went on to emphasise the importance of keeping hydrated when active and for these women to stop long before they overheat and become physically exhausted. She also recommended the use of special cushions to make bedtime more comfortable.
Urging women to keep active throughout their pregnancy but to balance this out with decent rest, she said: "Get lots of fresh air and make sure that even if you are not sleeping well you are getting plenty of 'feet up' rest".