How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Bedroom

Author: Jonathan Warren
Your bedroom is on point; you’ve created the ultimate sleeping utopia. Cosy furnishings, check; Feng Shui, check; mood lighting, check. But you still have an itsy-bitsy problem… Spiders.
As the nights are drawing in, the rain is pouring and the heating is cranked up, our creepy crawly friends decide to take residence in our homes rent-free. And after what was a particularly wet and warm summer, it’s been reported that an increased number of house spiders are entering our homes sans tenancy agreement. Whilst this may not bother many, it’s bad news for those who get the spider ‘ick’ or have a more serious fear such as arachnophobia and are anxious to keep spiders away.
We’ve got enough on our plates this year without spider squatters. Here, we’ve put together everything you need to know about spider season as well as our top tips for how to keep spiders out of your bedroom.
When are spiders most likely to come inside during the year?
Spider season tends to spike in September and October as rascally arachnids come inside our homes to mate as temperatures begin to drop. Interestingly, around 80% of the spiders we’ll see are males as they scuttle about looking for a furry female fancy who tend to ‘stay put’ indoors.
How can you keep spiders away?
The good news is, this issue has been bothering our ancestors for as long as time, so there are lots of different tried and tested natural spider repellents that you can try for yourself.
Essential oils and vinegars
Whilst oils such as peppermint, tea-tree and eucalyptus may soothe human beings, they are unbearable for our eight-legged lodgers. Surprisingly, vinegar does the trick too. To keep spiders away, simply spray these scents around windows and doors.
Citrus scents
Spiders reportedly hate anything that smells lemony fresh. Treat yourself to some citrus candles or diffusers or rub lemon peel on your windowsills and door frames. Investing in some citrus-scented cleaning products will work a treat, too.
You’ve probably seen your Nan doing this, but it’s an old wives’ tale that spiders can’t stand chestnuts. Whilst not scientifically proven (like peppermint), it can’t hurt to try it. Plus, the addition of some strategically placed conkers about your home can only add to a wintery chic aesthetic! But be warned, conkers can be poisonous so proceed with caution if you have pets.
Can you buy spider repellent spray?
Yes, you can! Many retailers offer a cheap spider repellent spray for those plagued by pesky intruders. Make sure to check that the seller’s product uses a poison-free formula with natural oils however as this won’t harm the spiders; yes, they’re annoying and we want them gone, but we don’t wish death upon all creatures great and small.
For an even cheaper alternative, why not brew your own natural spider repellent spray? Here’s our handy recipe. Simply fill a spray bottle with tap water and add 15-20 drops of peppermint essential oil. You want to make sure it’s smelling minty fresh – if it isn’t clearing your sinuses with one tester sniff, add a few more drops. Now, simply spray your homemade peppermint water in the nooks and crannies where spiders could get in – simples!
Do spider catchers exist?
Again, yes – but do your research. We recommend vacuum-powered spider catchers that pick up the spider without harm and allow you to drop it off outside where it belongs. Check out the Evening Standard’s best of the best here.
Does cleaning help to keep spiders away?
It’s not as fun as spritzing the hell out of your home, but cleaning is a hugely reliable way to avoid a spider invasion. Spiders love to hide in dark and hidden spaces, and any leftover food or mess will attract insects and flies that, in turn, will attract more spiders. Get well-acquainted with your hoover and regularly vacuum away any cobwebs and dust those out of reach surfaces to deter any unwelcome return visitors. Follow up with some citrus-scented spray to banish the bugs for good.