Shady room needed for Eminem to sleep

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



Even the rich and famous need a little help dropping off to sleep when they're away from their high gloss beds, and streetwise rapper Eminem is no exception. The Real Slim Shady likes the windows of his hotel bedrooms to be covered in tinfoil, it was recently revealed, to stop any light creeping in and infringing upon his trip to the land of nod.sb10064105t-001 As a jet-setting star, the 39-year-old's sleep is of great importance, especially as his schedule involves regularly crossing time zones. A source told The Sun (May 9th) that as well as foil over the windows, Eminem has white noise coming through the TV to soothe him to sleep. “The noise and darkness gets Eminem the best night’s sleep", the source explained. Missing out on a good night's sleep because you're away from the comfort of your own bed is a common problem, but as Eminem has found, there are ways to combat the problem.  When booking a room in a hotel, guests can ask for a room away from sources of noise like lifts and ground floor reception areas. As long as guest's requests don't damage the hotel or cause problems to other guests, most hotels would be happy for visitors to do what they need to in order to get a good night's sleep; good news for Eminem's tinfoil habit!