Single beds guide for kids

Author: Jonathan Warren

Young kids and their sleeping habits is a topic that strikes fear into the hearts of even the most put together parents, triggering countless yawns and cups of coffee. So, it won’t surprise you to hear that most new parents rightfully shake their heads in disbelief when they learn that, after mastering their night-time routine, they should be moving their little one from the familiarity of the cot to a brand new grown up bed!
But despite the mixed press and dreaded routine upheaval gossiped about on the grapevine and parenting forums, switching to a single bed can actually improve safety and give your youngsters a greater sense of independence as they nap their way through to their teenage years.
To make the transition that little bit easier, we've put together all you need to know about investing in your child's first ever grown up bed, from when to make the all-important switch to which bed is best. Put the kettle on and have a read of our single beds guide for kids!
What age can toddlers sleep in a single bed?
The early years spent with your little bundle of joy are full of milestones, from those initial baby steps to their first ever tooth. But just like speaking their first words, there's no set formula when it comes to knowing when it's time to make the switch and trade in the cot for something a little more grown up.
Research recommends a typical age range of anywhere between 18 months and three years for switching to a big bed, though it's entirely possible for a child to favour their cot beyond their third birthday. Be sure to focus on your individual child's needs and consider how they have grown in their early years.
What signs to look out for that your child is ready to switch beds?
If you’re approaching the two to three year mark and aren't sure if it's time to switch out the crib, there's plenty of tell-tale signs which could signal the need for a change.
The most obvious and visible sign that a new bed is in order is if your child isn't so little anymore. If your baby boy or girl has outgrown their crib, it's definitely time to make the switch so that they have ample room to stretch out at night.
A growth spurt could also mean that your baby is now grown up enough to start climbing out of their cot – hello safety warning! Whilst it's always great to see toddlers learning to use their legs and resembling mini Tarzans, if they can climb out of their cot, it's a sure fire sign to upgrade to a kids single bed as they might not be able to protect themselves from any falls after they make their escape!
Potty training? A single bed will help you achieve no nappy success. If you're teaching your child to be self-sufficient when it comes to the toilet, switching to a bed will give your toddler the chance to independently head to the bathroom should they need to during the night.
Another argument for #TeamSingleBed os whether you have a new bundle of joy on the way. In which case, you might be in need of the crib space for your newborn!
How to help your child transition to a kid’s single bed
Change can be troubling for any young toddler who is used to curling up in their cot at night, but there's plenty of things you can do to make the transition to a grown up bed that little bit easier.
The main thing when it comes to “the switch” is to make sure that as many bedtime components as possible stay the same. This will reduce the chances of overwhelming your little one with too much change in one go. Keep to your nighttime rituals and head to bed at the same time – you could even position your youngster's new bed where their cot used to be and use some of the same bedding for added comfort and familiarity. To navigate the single bed switch, you could also consider using the new bed for naps in the build up to the swap to get your child used to their new surroundings before they officially leave their crib.
To seal the deal, make it fun! Exuding excitement at your toddler's new bed is bound to be infectious and get them feeling enthusiastic about their brand new sleep station. What could be more amazing than graduating to a big girl’s single bed or big boy’s single bed?
Involving them in how the bed looks, from favourite coloured sheets to much-loved cuddly toys, could also create a positive association between your toddler and their new sanctuary of sleep.
Best single beds for kids
Of course, in order to get your kids to truly kiss the cot goodbye, you'll need to have a pretty good replacement lying in wait – and we've got some of the best in the business.
Both our collection of boy’s single beds and girl’s single beds offer an array of comforting and supporting setups to suit all kids’ bedrooms.
Or, if you find there's more toys per square metre than actual floor space in your child's bedroom, our Cabin Beds and their innovative storage solutions could be the answer to your prayers and encourage your little rascal to keep everything neat and tidy. We can all dream!
Our beautiful Vancouver Cabin Bed is available in both pink and blue cupboards and features a handy range of bookshelves, cupboards and drawers to make this bed both a stylish and practical kids’ single bed.
Need a bit more advice? No problem! Check out our super helpful Which Bed is Best for My Child? Blog for everything you need to know on kids’ storage bed options to which mattresses are best for your little one.