What do dreams of being chased mean?

Author: Jonathan Warren

One of the most common nightmares out there, dreams of being chased by someone or something are the absolute worst. So if you’ve been waking up in cold sweats after dreaming of something hunting you down, you aren’t as alone as you might think.
Having a good night’s sleep ruined by a nightmare is bad enough, but dreams of people chasing you can be particularly unnerving and leave sleepers feeling terrified about having to close their eyes and get back to sleep. Dreams about being chased are very common and can often provide a very subjective glimpse into our individual self and how we are feeling.
Here, we have highlighted some recurring themes when it comes to dreams of being chased and explored what those dreams might mean and how you can confront them – all in aid of getting you the uninterrupted, quality sleep you deserve!
What happens in a dream where you’re being chased?
Picture the scene: you turn a corner and continue walking down a road before noticing over your shoulder that the same individual who followed you down the previous street is still there, keeping pace with your quickening steps. You start to breathe a bit heavier and break into a run, but you can’t shake your pursuer. After twists and turns and countless roads, your chaser gets closer and closer and closer… And then you wake up!
Whether it’s a street that’s familiar to you, a nondescript road, around your own house, a running track or a walled maze, the setting for being chased in a dream can take a variety of forms. Whatever the context and whoever the chaser, these types of nightmares can be very unsettling and lead to a poorer quality sleep but, with a little analysis, they could be giving you a hint as to why you are experiencing them.
Common forms of chasers in dreams:
Although our minds and imaginations know no bounds when we rest our weary heads each night, we have found some common perpetrators who have chased many sound sleepers.
Different animals mean different things to us all, so the underlying dream in which you are chased by an animal depends on the animal itself and how you feel about them.
For example, being chased by a wolf, tiger or a huge bear could represent something truly frightening that you are currently processing in your waking life. Or maybe being chased by creatures of the jungle are symbolic of the fear of the natural world or anxiety towards adventure.
You could also have genuine phobias of specific insects or animals, like snakes or spiders which appear in your dreams because of how much space they occupy in your thoughts. If creepy crawlies or slippery serpents are common features in your dreams, we’ve written some specific blogs about what dreams about snakes mean and what dreams about spiders mean to help you try and overcome them.
Perhaps more chilling, having a nightmare that you are being chased by a stranger can be very petrifying, not least because you don’t know who is chasing you! It’s widely thought these types of chasing dreams suggest you are experiencing some negative emotions but don’t quite know where they originate from.
If you experience dreams of strangers chasing you, perhaps it’s time to ask yourself whether you are feeling anxious generally or whether there is something on the horizon causing you undue stress. Dream journaling or therapy can be a great way of unlocking meaning behind these dreams, while meditation and/or exercise could help you relieve any extra unhealthy stress from your life so that you can snooze soundly come night time.
Friends and loved ones
When the chaser is actually someone we know, the meaning of this type of dream could be based on your own personal relationship with the chaser.
These dreams could be symbolic of something which is currently happening or has very recently occurred in your own life. Perhaps your chaser is your partner with whom you are avoiding a difficult conversation, or maybe it’s a friend who is tracking you down after a fiery argument.
The chaser could also be symbolic of a certain feeling or worry that the individual represents to you. Past teachers could be representative of anxiety relating to fears of failure, or if you have some health concerns, maybe it is your GP who has you glancing over your shoulder.
A demon or monster
Dreaming that a monster or demon is coming after you is enough to stir even the soundest of sleepers. If supernatural beings seem to be tracking you down when you close your eyes, you could be processing feelings of fear, vulnerability or anxiety. Monsters could also represent something you have been avoiding in your personal life.
If you don’t quite understand how the demon or monster relates to you specifically, write down some recollections from your dreams and reflect on how you are feeling. You might just stumble across the connection which helps you address the emotions you are finding difficult in everyday life.
What does a dream about being chased symbolise?
Dreams are often reflective of emotions we experience during our waking hours. Nightmares about being chased can be symbolic of feelings of anxiety, worry or avoidance.
Perhaps there is a big project at work with a fast approaching deadline? Maybe you have some test results due from a recent health check up? Whatever the issue, dreaming of being chased could indicate you are worried about a future event, feel overwhelmed with what you have got going on, or want to avoid something which might be fast approaching.
Higher levels of stress or worry during our waking moments will naturally blur into our subconscious mind to feature in our dreams so it’s important to think about what is causing you stress during the waking hours to understand your dreams of being chased.
Spiritual Perspectives
The classic examples of being chased in dreams typically lean into negative emotions like anxiety or stress, but taking a step back and reflecting on your dreams could lead to a more significant spiritual perspective.
While you still may be going through a turbulent time, dreams of being chased could indicate you are on a journey or on a path toward a certain goal. Meditating about your dreams of being chased could help you understand your feelings or, if you think you might be avoiding something, help you confront certain issues.
Misconceptions about dreams where you’re being chased
Like with all common dreams and nightmares, it is never possible to say that a dream about a certain something chasing you has an exact meaning which applies to all sleepers across the globe.
Dreams are subjective and are personal to each individual. If you are struggling to connect with other people's explanations behind the meaning of dreams about being chased, then documenting your own experiences in a dream journal could help unlock the meaning of those dreams for you.
Moving forward from dreams about being chased
If you are noticing you are experiencing recurring dreams quite often, documenting who or what is chasing you in a dream journal could give you a greater insight into the meaning behind those dreams.
As dreams about being chased can be indicative of higher levels of stress in our everyday lives, considering how to lower those stress levels could lead to the frequency of those dreams being lessened. Taking a break from work, speaking to a therapist about your anxieties or engaging in soothing meditation exercises may help to introduce a new level of calm to your life that will boost your chances of quality sleep.
It is also always beneficial to look at your sleep hygiene in general. Adding in a skincare routine, ensuring your room is an appropriate temperature and avoiding technology before bed, could all have a positive boost on your ability to have a calming and restorative sleep.
In the market for better quality sleep?
Whether you’re looking for more information behind the meaning of dreams, want to know more about staying cool in the summer heat or whether to invest in a weighted blanket, our Time4Sleep blog has an array of hints and tips which are all focused on getting you the most restful sleep possible.