Morning Routines of Happy Couples

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



Your morning routine can often determine how the rest of your day is going to go. A stressful morning might lead to a less than happy day, so we’re on a mission to encourage people to create a peaceful sleep-wake routine. This time, we’re focussing on couples and how you can help one another to achieve your morning goals. Let's say your partner's a morning person but the other really isn’t, getting anything done first thing can be a challenge. So how do you go about making your mornings happy together, regardless of your sleeping preferences? Above view of couple having breakfast Team work makes the dream work There’s nothing worse than having to get up and ready for work while your partner snoozes away in the background. During the working week, it’s a good idea to both get up at the same time where possible. This way you can factor in time to have breakfast together, or even a cuppa in bed while chatting about your respective upcoming days. If your individual plans for the day don’t warrant you both waking up at the same time, try and develop a morning routine that doesn’t mean the person getting ready has to be in the same room as the person that’s still sleeping. This way, the sleeper will be able to do so peacefully, and the person awake will be able to get ready with ease, without having to tip-toe around so as to not disturb their partner, or even feel jealous of them still being tucked up and cosy! Make time for one another Even if it means getting up fifteen minutes earlier so you can have breakfast together, taking the time to have a proper conversation that’s not about your packed lunch, finding your keys, or whose turn it is to take the bin out can make a big difference. Putting aside a few moments to talk on a morning and learn about each other’s upcoming days can help you connect as a couple. When everything is a mad rush before work it can feel like you’re simply passing ships, so consider sacrificing fifteen minutes for the opportunity to connect. Help each other out Whether it’s pouring your partner a bowl of cereal, making their packed lunch for them or simply telling them their outfit looks great, little boosts such as these can really help first thing on a morning. Helping each other out might also extend to the tasks you have to manage as a family on a morning, such as making sure the children are fed and watered, taking the dog out or having a tidy round. Try making a plan for your mornings, so each person knows what they’re responsible for. Running early in the morning Exercise! Whether you hit the gym together, go for a run in your local area, or do a workout at home, getting up and exercising in the morning – together – can be a great motivator. Not only will it help you feel fresh and ready for the day, but having a work out buddy is sure to help you stay motivated to meet your fitness goals. Developing a morning exercise routine could even help you to get a better night’s sleep! Take a look at our handy guide on developing a morning routine for more useful ways to make the most of your day – and get a great night’s sleep as a result! Images: ©, ©